January 6th - January 15th 2025

The Gamechanger Challenge

New Year, New You – Start 2025 with a Plan! Take the challenge, ITS FREE!!!

For years, AFT has been coaching actors how to “break the rules,” and get noticed quickly by decision makers in the industry.
The Challenge is FREE!!! 

January 5th - 15th 2025
Meet up will be Monday-Friday from 1:00-1:30 
Eastern time on Zoom.

Sign up is FREE!!! What are you waiting for? 
What if EVERYTHING in your acting career changed for the better? You were getting auditions for big projects like...
You want to book like that as well? YOU CAN, but you are going to have to change and learn some NEW STUFF!!
Simply put, my acting career prior to meeting Valorie was a career in slow motion. After a long career as a NY stage Actor, I moved into public education as a Director and Artistic Director for a well-known performing arts school. After 12 years of raising mega superstars like Zendaya, Bo Burnham, Kehlani and Tati Gabriele; I knew it was time to go explore MY passion: film and television. The issue: I had no clue where to start. By fate and luck, I met Valorie Hubbard.

Where am I today? Though not as in depth as I want it to be, my resume speaks for itself. EVERYTHING on my (still building) resume has been completed in 2 years. 2 YEARS!!! While there is still much work to do and I continue to grow.......I WOULD NOT BE WHERE I AM TODAY WITHOUT VALORIE. PERIOD! With Valorie, I've learned how to properly brand myself, align my marketing to match that branding, select and partner with an agent that is an addition to MY team, learned how to pitch myself for projects and mostly: HOW TO TREAT THIS AS MY BUSINESS!!

Michael Vincent Berry

Did I mention it's FREE?

Giving you all the tools you need to do your acting business IN A NEW WAY getting you NEW RESULTS

How do you get noticed during this time regardless if you're up and coming or seasoned in the business?

You get smarter and utilize tactics that NO ONE ELSE in the business is using.

That's where we come in...

We take our 50+ years of experience, education, and talent and help you create the most marketable version of YOU in the industry, along with learning all the skills you need to brand yourself as an actor.

The tools and skills that you will learn in this challenge will prepare you to audition in front of MAJOR DIRECTORS, PRODUCERS, WRITERS, & CASTING.

Because there is no "career path" for actors. No graduate school or entry level positions. No guarantee that your talent alone will get  you where you want to go. In order to be successful actors, we must take our careers into our own hands. We must understand we are in business for ourselves. 

It's time to reach the level you deserve, and to treat acting like it's your business and your birthright. 
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ONE TIME OFFER ($997): Lets face it. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In condimentum aliquam arcu, ut pharetra nunc feugiat in. Nam tempor dui non mi mollis vulputate. Donec fermentum arcu ac mauris placerat, quis mattis mi porttitor. Nulla condimentum felis lacus, eu viverra dui congue a. Proin vel augue eu diam egestas finibus quis in ante. Duis at diam blandit, ultricies tellus at, mattis risus. Proin iaculis lectus at aliquet imperdiet.

Just see what our clients are saying...
Actors Fast Track is a GODSEND. I am convinced that AFT is the single most important training I’ve had as an Actor. I used to be one of those actors who would just submit to jobs on Actors Access and hope for auditions. Now, I spend my day implementing Valorie's business principles! I spend my day feeling like a pro
instead of constantly wondering or doubting myself. Since joining AFT, my auditions have been at an all-time high and I’ve been booking like never before!

AFT isn't just a program, it's a RE-program.It’ll change the way you approach your whole life.”
"Me before I met Val (BV): down on my career; feeling stuck and like I was at the behest of all the decision makers inthe industry; feeling like I had no agency and no power; not getting auditions, not booking; annoyed, frustrated, confused, and for all I knew: helpless.

Me after working with Val for 2 years (AV): a totally full-time actor who knows how to market myself, and loves the wayI market myself; in control of my business and highly capable of pitching; able to get auditions and book without the help of representation, and also able to take meetings with potential teammates (reps, producers, writers) in a powerful way, in a way that I’m standing in my full worth; creating my own content on a regular basis; feeling free, empowered, delicious; HAVING FUN.

2 years ago I was siting sadly on my ass feeling sorry for myself. Just this past MONTH I booked a TV show, a play and a VO job, I have ameeting with an awesome agent scheduled for a few weeks from now, I’m getting a VO demo produced with people I love. Honestly, I’m SO MUCH looking forward to thanking Valorie Hubbard in my Oscar/Emmy/Tony speech. (Self confidence has spiked, too, CAN YOU TELL?!)

My life AV is a dream. come. true."
Learn how to get the attention of major producers, directors, and writers from your favorite shows and films.
Join us for the CHALLENGE!!
No Cost! It is FREE
Actor's Fast Track is the creation of working actress Valorie Hubbard. Her credits include Castle, A.G.E.N.T.S of Shield, True Blood, Resident Evil: Extinction to name a few. She forged a career by being pragmatic, dedicated, and entrepreneurial. Now she helps other actors do the same with Actor’s Fast Track. Working closely with each individual she coaches, Valorie helps them to develop their personal brand and create a customized plan of action to reach those goals and dreams faster. WAY FASTER.